Red Widow Watch Favorite TMDB
Red Widow


60 min




When Marta Walraven's mob husband is brutally murdered, she takes on gangsters and the FBI to unveil the truth about his death. As she digs into this dark underworld, she'll test her own strength, relying on her resourcefulness, determination and family ties like never before. To get out of this mob, she needs to beat the bad guys at their own deadly game.

Seasons 1 (Episodes 8):

Season 0

Season Specials

Season 1

Season 1

CastView All Credits

Radha Mitchell

Radha Mitchell

Marta Walraven
Goran Visnjic

Goran Visnjic

Nicholae Schiller
Sterling Beaumon

Sterling Beaumo

Gabriel Walraven
Clifton Collins Jr.

Clifton Collins

James Ramos
Luke Goss

Luke Goss

Suleka Mathew

Suleka Mathew

Dina Tomlin
