Virgin of the Secret Service Watch Favorite TMDB
Virgin of the Secret Service


60 min




Set in the 1900s, when the British Secret Service was a new, unofficial arm of military activity, the series features Captain Robert Virgin - an officer and a gentleman who fights as a man of honour. Armed only with intelligence, ingenuity, physical strength and abundant charm, Virgin faces every sort of peril as he defends King and country - from industrial espionage to anarchist bomb plots, assassination attempts to kidnapping.

Seasons 1 (Episodes 13):

Season 1

Season 1

CastView All Credits

Alexander Doré

Alexander Doré

Karl von Brauner
Noel Coleman

Noel Coleman

Col. Shaw-Camberley
Clinton Greyn

Clinton Greyn

Capt. Robert Virgin
Veronica Strong

Veronica Strong

Mrs Virginia Cortez
John Cater

John Cater

Fred Doublett
Peter Diamond

Peter Diamond

2nd Arab