Oliver Barbour Favorite IMDB TMDB
Oliver Barbour


Rochester, New York, USA




Producer, actor, director and advertising representative for, and

vice-president of Benton & Bowles. In the 1930s, he acted in the

Broadway plays "John Brown", "Ethan Frome", "The Body Beautiful" and

some others. For summer-stock productions he directed Ethel Barrymore in

"Constant Wife", Edward Everett Horton in "Springtime for Henry", Laurette Taylor in

"Candida", and Eddie Dowling in "Our Town". He later became a freelance daytime radio producer, presenting many episodes of "Life Can Be

Beautiful", "The Parker Family" and "Light of the World". While living

in California, he was a vice-president for the Beverly Hills office of

the Ogilvy & Mather agency. In 1967 he moved to New York, where he lived at 15 Maizeland Road in Red Hook.