It Could Have Been Worse - Mario Adorf

Es hätte schlimmer kommen können - Mario Adorf
It Could Have Been Worse - Mario Adorf


Portrays the film star Mario Adorf and his passion for acting, the stage, the cinema, singing and writing. Together with the director Dominik Wessely, the film comes closer to Mario Adorf as a person and highlights important stations of his private life and his international career. When Mario Adorf begins to talk about his life, over 60 years of theatre and film history come to life. A dialogue with him is not only a retrospective, but also an intensive exchange of ideas about film and theatre and his view of the world, love and ageing.

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Mario Adorf

Mario Adorf

Senta Berger

Senta Berger

Margarethe von Trotta

Margarethe von


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