The Bankers of God: The Calvi Affair

I banchieri di Dio - Il caso Calvi
The Bankers of God: The Calvi Affair


A reconstruction of the bankruptcy of the Banco Ambrosiano bank and its liaisons with the Vatican and the Masonry through its president Roberto Calvi, notoriously found dead under the Blackfriars Bridge in London in June 1982.

CastView All Credits

Giancarlo Giannini

Giancarlo Giann

Flavio Carboni
Omero Antonutti

Omero Antonutti

Roberto Calvi
Alessandro Gassmann

Alessandro Gass

Francesco Pazienza
Rutger Hauer

Rutger Hauer

Paul Marcinkus
Pamela Villoresi

Pamela Villores

Clara Calvi
Vincenzo Peluso

Vincenzo Peluso

Silvano Vittor

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