Opera ball

Opera ball
The Opera ball turns into a catastrophe this year - hundreds die in front of the cameras...


The Vienna State Opera on Thursday before the Carnival. As every year the large ball rather is attended by celebrities from politics and the media. Just the arrival of newcomers is finished and the Polonaise faded as it is in the best tradition: "Alles Walzer". transferred with 20 cameras live throughout the world. Television journalist Fraser (Heiner Lauterbach) views the event from the control room, outside in the hall leads his son has one of the cameras. Suddenly all hell breaks loose: poison gas flows from hidden containers, hundreds of guests die in agony, millions of horrified spectators experience it on the TV screen...

CastView All Credits

Heiner Lauterbach

Heiner Lauterba

Kurt Frazer
Franka Potente

Franka Potente

Gabrielle Becker
Frank Giering

Frank Giering

Jörg Blahacek 'Ingenieur'
Caroline Goodall

Caroline Goodal

Heather Frazer
Gudrun Landgrebe

Gudrun Landgreb

Claudia Röhler
Désirée Nosbusch

Désirée Nosbu

Iris von Hagen

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